Studio Violina has been developing web experience for a few years. During this period we have acquired a great amount of knowledge and experience. Therefore, we have formed this FAQ page to answer as many questions we were asked during this period.

What is Studio Violina ?
Studio Violina is an Audio Recording, Mixing, Mastering and Film Post Production Studio located at Kolkata. It had started its journey in 2007 and became famous within a short time period for its quality of production.

Recently we have started our second journey as Violina Web Services Pvt. Ltd. Our goal to give the ultimate solution of online Portfolio and Business Management System and can set a benchmark in providing top quality service to our clients in the field of web service and to lead in that position where technology meets innovation. It is providing E-commerce platform to each and individual person through which a person can earn.

Also, Violina Web Services Pvt. Ltd. thinks about its viewers and the viewers can also earn from those E-commerce SIte.

We also providing a perfect online marketplace that will surely help to increase popularity in social media and build strong visibility in Google, Bing and Yahoo which can surely increase or generate Direct or Indirect revenue for any kind of innovative person like, Singer, Musician, Dancer, Writer, Music Band, Drama team or Artist, Movie House, Recitor, etc.

What We Do ?
We are not only a professional audio recording mixing, mastering and film dubbing studio but we also help an artist to monetize and publicized their various product like Songs, Music, Dance, Theater, Poem, Story, Movie etc. in the world platform and help them to utilize the maximum out of their product and earn revenue from it through purchased downloads. We collect the revenue and hand it over directly to the artist after deduction of a nominal charges.

What is our payment system for artist as well as viewers ?
An artist may provide their details, songs, music, stories, drama, movie etc. to Studio Violina. The content must not violate any copyright rules. Studio Violina, on behalf of the artist, monetize their work worldwide and help them gain maximum revenue. We return the earned revenue to the artist, after deduction of a nominal amount.
The artist can track their total revenue in their own account statistics, which is absolutely confidential, through their registered email address and password. Studio Violina hands over the total revenue earned in a particular month to the artist by a bank cheque in the beginning of next month. The viewers also will receive the earned money through a bank cheque in their registered address.

How long does it take to build a website and a mobile application (app) for an artist ?
The formation of a standard website and mobile app for an artist takes approximately 30 days.

Who will you work with in Studio Violina ?
Unlike many web developing firms that works out in freelance or internship and give little or no access to the client, Studio Violina and its tight knit crew is always available at your service. We are eager to help the client in their respective stages of web development according to the need of the project. We will guide you personally through every stage of your web development and progress.

Can we help you update your existing website that was built by another web developer ?
We are sorry to say that we don’t handle a website built by any other web developer as there are issues of liability of multiple programmers handeling the same program or code at a time. We fully support the websites developed by us and we gurantee to stand by our clients in every matter regarding the website.

Can we help you write content for your website developed by us ?
Definitely. We include copy writing and editing of the websites developed by us. We also help you build your sitemap and provide the foundation of your website in the building stage.

Do you own your website ?
Of course you do. The website and every content of it is absolutely yours. We build a relation with all our clients and provide them with every possible support. So, our clients stay with us even after the web developing is complete. But if for any unavoidable reasons you want to collaborate with any other web developer, we will readily help you transfer your website from our end to your preferred web developer. You own the website and so you can decide everything about it, including where to take it in future.

Where will your website be hosted ?
Studioviolina.com will host your website as it will be created by us. All the website created and developed by us will be hosted by Studioviolina.com. But if you ever wish to transfer your website to any other web developer then after the transfer we wont be able to support your website any further or we wont take any further liability of your website.

We have tried to answer all the basic quarries that may arise in your mind. Yet if you have any further quarries then write to us Email: info@studioviolina.com. We will be happy to help you clear your doubts and answer your quarries.

Thanks & Regards,
Studio Violina Team.